cULtural ANalySis 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Concluding remarks

A. Articulating experience

A1. The problem of "common sense"


「... ...在百貨公司,當理貨員開新的生果箱子時,如橙、西瓜和蘋果等,總會有很多人蜂擁而上,從箱子中找出自己所要貨品。他們多數都不理會大家,好像搶東西 似的。並且,有很多人最初根本不打算購物,可是當她們見到一堆人時,她們便會加入戰團。這便是『羊群心理』。」

-Not specific enough (who? buy what? where? how? what's the feeling of people?)
-Over-generalization (people are not crazy about everything)

A2. The description is not "thick" enough

「一天,我如常地前往屋企附近的一間大型連所(鎖)超級市場(百佳)購買零食... ...」

Why/when did he want to buy snacks? In what way is supermarket integrated into his way of life?

「另 一種在七仔消費的重要經驗,是hea。繼續講買早餐;有時上課前趕不上買,也可以放"break"時斯斯然的落去買,順便可以在那緊湊的一角裡趕急的 hea一陣子,看看當天的頭條,也看看雜誌封面,再同身邊的男同學說句:『嘩,使唔使咁大波呀?』接著快快離去上課,實在過癮。」

*Try to deliver your message in mental images.

A3. Without any focus
-What point(s) do you want to make in this article?

A4. The internal structure is not strong enough

Example: my collection

-Miriam Yeung

What are the relatioinships between these three types of collection?

B. Analysis

B1. Too moralistic but not analytical enough

"As said before, clothes is unquestionable a business product and therefore is carefully designed by the capitalist in order to exploit peoples. ... ..."

What did the author mean by "exploit people"?

「... ...大集團的勢力是多麼恐怖啊!對於供應商來說,他們就有如恐怖份子,不斷剝削,壓搾他們。」

Is "terrorist" a good metaphor for big corporations?
Is "terrorist" related to "exploitation"?

B2. Human agency
-Try to avoid determinism
-Try to put human action in situation, institution and context.
-Example: 「羊群心理」

Appendix: Some references

1. Cultural Theory
Storey, John 2001. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. NY: Prentice Hall.

2. Cultural studies in Hong Kong
吳俊雄、張志偉編 2002《閱讀香港普及文化1970-2000》香港:牛津大學出版社。

3. Media

4. Gender
何春蕤 1994 《豪爽女人 : 女性主義與性解放》台北:皇冠文化。

5. History
王宏志 2000《歷史的沉重:從香港看中國大陸的香港史論述》香港:牛津大學出版社。
蔡榮芳2001《香港人之香港史, 1841-1945》香港:牛津大學出版社。

5. Novel
Orwell, George Down and Out in Paris and London
張大春1992 《少年大頭春的生活週記》台北:聯合文學。


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