cULtural ANalySis 2005

Sunday, September 18, 2005

[Week 4: Sept 23] Introduction III: Basics of cultural analysis

1. Choosing a subject
1.1. About yourself

What media do you enjoy?

Do you belong to a cultural group, (e.g. a fan club) a small community (e.g. a village in NT), a group of identity ("ABC", gay and lesbian people, "new immigrant") ?

Some experience of your family or friends deserves investigation?

1.2. About your studies

What subject areas interest you most?

Is there an article or a research work you especially admire?

Do you have an assignment you particularly enjoy and you want to study in more depth?

1.3. About the subject

Have you noticed any new developments in Hong Kong or the communities you are familiar with?

Do you have access to an institution (a media group, a school, etc.) which might be a good topic of cultural analysis?

You or your friends are Disney fanatics.
You are puzzled by your own or their obsession with Disney.
You know some Disney staff.

2. Developing your research question

2.1. Define your object of analysis

-You want to know why Disney fascinates so many people.

-But what do you mean by "Disney"? Its animation? toy? theme park?

-Who are the people? Hong Kong people? People from mainland China? Children? Adult? Family?

Subject areaFocus Examples of potential objects of analysis
Disney's animation


The represenation of woman in its early animations such as Snow White

AudienceThe oral histories of Hong Kong who grew up with Disney's cartoon


The transformation of Disney's animation (from Snow White and Little Mermaid to Mulan and Finding Nemo)

Disney's toyIndustry/ InstitionThe production process of a particular toy (including design, manufacturing and marketing)


How do children play with the toys?

Disney's theme parkIndustry/ institutionThe history of Hong Kong Disneyland

AudienceHow do Hong Kong citizen respond to the Disneyland project in 2000 and the newly built theme park in 2005? What does "fantasy" mean for Hong Kong people?

2.2. Read around your subject area

-Analysis or reseach is based on previous works

-Seeking advice from your teachers and searching academic database (google scholar)

-Literature review--acknowledging others' contribution to a particular subject area
(Please learn how to cite academic works-- MLA)

-Think about concept and theory
Examples: Is the concept "suburbanization" useful for analyzing the history of Hong Kong Disneyland?
Is the fantasy promoted by Disney similar to religion?
Is Jean Baudrillard's "simulacrum" an accurate term for Hong Kong Disneyland?

-Think about method

Object of analysisMethodExample
Media useObservationWatching TV in family
Media representationArchival study and semiotic analysisThe image of women in media
Audience's receptioninterview or focus groupAudience's reading of a TV program

2.3. Ask a specific question

-What? How? Why?

-Make the research question as much specific as possible

-Is the research problem manageable for you?

3. Example: The stories of "Yen Yi"
3.1. "Yen Yi" becomes a hit topic of Hong Kong

3.2. Object of analysis

-Audience's responses
-Media representation

3.3. Asking a question

Experience: Why does audience hate Yen Yi?
-How does the audience produce new meanings in media message?
-How does the audience negotiate with the dominant meanings?

Representation: What are Yen Yi's media images?
-Women as a symbol: What is her female image and femininity portrayed by media?
-Women in media narrative: What is the narrative structure of Yen Yi's story?

3.4. Literature review

*audience research
*Fandom and obsession:
Fiske, John. 1992. "The Cultural Economy of Fandom." in L. Lewis . Ed. The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media. New York :Routledge.
Jenkins, Henry. 1992. ““Get a Life!”: Fans, Poachers, Nomads.” Textual Poachers: Television Fans & Participatory Culture. New York: Routledge.

*Advertisement and gender stereotype
Week 8, 9, 10

3.5. Refining your question

3.5.1. What are the discrepancies between the audience's image of "Yen Yi" and their ideal image of "Snow White"?
-Object of analysis: Audience's responses, TV video clip, "Snow White" (animation) and Disney's advertisement
-Method: interview and textual analysis

-Some observations:
"Snow White": purity, elegance, innocence
Yan Yi: calculative and funny (杜汶澤的評論)

3.5.2. What are the ideologies (world-view, stereotype, convention, myth... ...) behind the audience's criticism of Yen Yi?
-Object of analysis: Audience's responses, discussion in online forum or media (such as radio talk show and newspaper)
-Method: interview, textual analysis

Some Observations:

"他約我去迪士尼" - 欣宜版

收了幾吋腰? 眼淚兩頭標
太胖會被人笑 甜夢是廿三吋
努力節食中  卻沒有成績
吃藥也是無法 離絕望並不遠

(A desparate "fat" girl)

我害怕 這是無法達至太高的志願
我只昐 馬上纏住「別怪他」 深深的吻他

天天我為「桌希」 餐餐食樹皮
有亞「匪姐」 升職要識 導演多顧忌

(A girl dependent on mother's protection)

公主怎會變豬頭 全沒在意令你生氣

我打算 成就白雪是我最終的意義
會堅信 我在樂園是冠軍 不屈的信心

即使我是肥 即使食樹皮是會有口氣
「別怪他」 只想繼續演戲 被迫照做

媽 她說我是最好
青春的我有身材 無聊投訴極無天理

家長要輔導 關燈看節目是會太恐怖
要變公主 此刻只想似天仙

只因生於這家族 無法面對便要洗腦

Online forum about Yan Yi

3.5.3. How is Yen Yi perceived and constructed as "an icon to be hated"?
-Object of analysis: Media coverage on Yen Yi
-Method: historical study and textual analysis

Some observations:
The "transformation" of Yen Yi

Readings for next week


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