cULtural ANalySis 2005

Monday, September 26, 2005

[Week 5: Sept 30] A1. Oral history

1. Oral history
Oral history is the systematic collection of living people's testimony about their own experiences.

1.1. Life stories or life histories

1.2. A cultural form for:
-Disadvantaged group
-Private life
-Alternative or subversive interpretation

2. Procedures

2.1. Choosing a theme or subject area
-A topic not covered by written history
-Some important witnesses to a particular event or a historical moment
-Alternative interpretations

-《晚晚六點半》: The living experience of women workers in the process of industrial/economic restructuring (from 1970s-1990s).
-《又喊又笑》:The historical stories of elderly women

2.2. Identifying interviewees
-"Snowball" sampling

2.3. Types of interview
-Individual cases
-Collecting evidence or viewpoints on a particular theme or incident from a group of interviewees.

2.4. A rough outline of questions

2.5. Language use

3. Guidelines

3.1. Interview is a series of interaction

3.2. Listening rather than questioning

3.3. Paying attention to context

3.4. The setting of interview

4. Paperwork

4.1. Content analysis
Example I: Housewives' stories about child-birth are particularly detailed.
Example II: The experience in the incident of "June 4" is important to Hong Kong people aged 35-50.

4.2. Discourse analysis
Example I: "Refrains and recurrences"
Example II: "I" and "We"

4.3. Forms of storage
-sound clip
-written archive

5. Case study I: Same-sex attraction

5.1. The debate over homosexuality: biologically determined or acquired?

5.2. A project of personal history of gay/bisexual men

5.3. Three sources of initial awareness of differences

-A pervasive and emotional captivation with other boys that felt passionate, exotic, consuming, and mysterious;

-A strongly felt desire to engage in play activities and to possess traits usually characteristic of girls

-Disinterest or revulsion in typical boys' activities, especially team sports and physical play

"It is not surprising that "prehomosexuals" used gender metaphors, rather than sexual metaphors, to interpret and explain childhood feelings of difference... Children do not appear to define their sexual experimentation in heterosexual or homosexual terms. The socially created categories of homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual hold little or no significance for them." (Savin-Williams 2004(1997): p. 116)

5.4. Sex and gender
-Gender awareness is prior to sexual expression
-Sexual feeling is not necessarily separated from gender experience.

6. Case study II: When is Hong Kong's golden age? When is Hong Kong's decline?
6.1. Golden Chicken: From the late 1970s to 1997 (A dominant narrative)

6.2. Factory worker (woman): From the 1970s to the early 1990s

6.3. From luxury to poverty (A dominant impression)

6.4. From sisterhood to alienation

6.5. Significance:
-Presenting an alternative picture of Hong Kong people's life to the dominant viewpoint
-Negotiating historical understanding of Hong Kong
-Gender experience in Hong Kong history

Step-by-step guide
Oral history: collective memories of Hong Kong

Sunday, September 18, 2005

[Week 4: Sept 23] Introduction III: Basics of cultural analysis

1. Choosing a subject
1.1. About yourself

What media do you enjoy?

Do you belong to a cultural group, (e.g. a fan club) a small community (e.g. a village in NT), a group of identity ("ABC", gay and lesbian people, "new immigrant") ?

Some experience of your family or friends deserves investigation?

1.2. About your studies

What subject areas interest you most?

Is there an article or a research work you especially admire?

Do you have an assignment you particularly enjoy and you want to study in more depth?

1.3. About the subject

Have you noticed any new developments in Hong Kong or the communities you are familiar with?

Do you have access to an institution (a media group, a school, etc.) which might be a good topic of cultural analysis?

You or your friends are Disney fanatics.
You are puzzled by your own or their obsession with Disney.
You know some Disney staff.

2. Developing your research question

2.1. Define your object of analysis

-You want to know why Disney fascinates so many people.

-But what do you mean by "Disney"? Its animation? toy? theme park?

-Who are the people? Hong Kong people? People from mainland China? Children? Adult? Family?

Subject areaFocus Examples of potential objects of analysis
Disney's animation


The represenation of woman in its early animations such as Snow White

AudienceThe oral histories of Hong Kong who grew up with Disney's cartoon


The transformation of Disney's animation (from Snow White and Little Mermaid to Mulan and Finding Nemo)

Disney's toyIndustry/ InstitionThe production process of a particular toy (including design, manufacturing and marketing)


How do children play with the toys?

Disney's theme parkIndustry/ institutionThe history of Hong Kong Disneyland

AudienceHow do Hong Kong citizen respond to the Disneyland project in 2000 and the newly built theme park in 2005? What does "fantasy" mean for Hong Kong people?

2.2. Read around your subject area

-Analysis or reseach is based on previous works

-Seeking advice from your teachers and searching academic database (google scholar)

-Literature review--acknowledging others' contribution to a particular subject area
(Please learn how to cite academic works-- MLA)

-Think about concept and theory
Examples: Is the concept "suburbanization" useful for analyzing the history of Hong Kong Disneyland?
Is the fantasy promoted by Disney similar to religion?
Is Jean Baudrillard's "simulacrum" an accurate term for Hong Kong Disneyland?

-Think about method

Object of analysisMethodExample
Media useObservationWatching TV in family
Media representationArchival study and semiotic analysisThe image of women in media
Audience's receptioninterview or focus groupAudience's reading of a TV program

2.3. Ask a specific question

-What? How? Why?

-Make the research question as much specific as possible

-Is the research problem manageable for you?

3. Example: The stories of "Yen Yi"
3.1. "Yen Yi" becomes a hit topic of Hong Kong

3.2. Object of analysis

-Audience's responses
-Media representation

3.3. Asking a question

Experience: Why does audience hate Yen Yi?
-How does the audience produce new meanings in media message?
-How does the audience negotiate with the dominant meanings?

Representation: What are Yen Yi's media images?
-Women as a symbol: What is her female image and femininity portrayed by media?
-Women in media narrative: What is the narrative structure of Yen Yi's story?

3.4. Literature review

*audience research
*Fandom and obsession:
Fiske, John. 1992. "The Cultural Economy of Fandom." in L. Lewis . Ed. The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media. New York :Routledge.
Jenkins, Henry. 1992. ““Get a Life!”: Fans, Poachers, Nomads.” Textual Poachers: Television Fans & Participatory Culture. New York: Routledge.

*Advertisement and gender stereotype
Week 8, 9, 10

3.5. Refining your question

3.5.1. What are the discrepancies between the audience's image of "Yen Yi" and their ideal image of "Snow White"?
-Object of analysis: Audience's responses, TV video clip, "Snow White" (animation) and Disney's advertisement
-Method: interview and textual analysis

-Some observations:
"Snow White": purity, elegance, innocence
Yan Yi: calculative and funny (杜汶澤的評論)

3.5.2. What are the ideologies (world-view, stereotype, convention, myth... ...) behind the audience's criticism of Yen Yi?
-Object of analysis: Audience's responses, discussion in online forum or media (such as radio talk show and newspaper)
-Method: interview, textual analysis

Some Observations:

"他約我去迪士尼" - 欣宜版

收了幾吋腰? 眼淚兩頭標
太胖會被人笑 甜夢是廿三吋
努力節食中  卻沒有成績
吃藥也是無法 離絕望並不遠

(A desparate "fat" girl)

我害怕 這是無法達至太高的志願
我只昐 馬上纏住「別怪他」 深深的吻他

天天我為「桌希」 餐餐食樹皮
有亞「匪姐」 升職要識 導演多顧忌

(A girl dependent on mother's protection)

公主怎會變豬頭 全沒在意令你生氣

我打算 成就白雪是我最終的意義
會堅信 我在樂園是冠軍 不屈的信心

即使我是肥 即使食樹皮是會有口氣
「別怪他」 只想繼續演戲 被迫照做

媽 她說我是最好
青春的我有身材 無聊投訴極無天理

家長要輔導 關燈看節目是會太恐怖
要變公主 此刻只想似天仙

只因生於這家族 無法面對便要洗腦

Online forum about Yan Yi

3.5.3. How is Yen Yi perceived and constructed as "an icon to be hated"?
-Object of analysis: Media coverage on Yen Yi
-Method: historical study and textual analysis

Some observations:
The "transformation" of Yen Yi

Readings for next week

Thursday, September 08, 2005

[Week 3: Sept 16] Introduction II: Culture and Civilization

1. The paradigm of "Culture-Civilization"

1.1. Culture=elite culture

1.2. Variation I: Rescuing civilization from cultural decline or the rise of popular culture

1.3. Variation II: The "essence" of civilization is found in all aspects of everyday life

2. Variation I: Matthew Arnold (England in the late 19th century)

2.1. Historical background:
-Industrial revolution and urbanization
-Class struggle
-Democratic development : the male workers were granted the right of voting

2.2. Arnold's feeling about the era
-Cultural decline or decadence
-The elite culture fails to maintain its authority

2.3. Arnold's social criticism
-Aristocrats-"barbarian": An old class failed to maintain cultural heritage
-Bourgeois-"Philistine": A new class pursued profit without cultural mission
-Working class-"Populace": An uncultured people gaining more power

2.4. Arnold's solution
-He called for a central state to replace the ruling class to lead, manage and civilize the mass
-His cultural project is an attempt to recover and maintain the deference and subordination of populace

2.5. Culture as a medium for policing the social crisis and upheaval

3. Leavis (see Storey, p. 22-28)

4. The cultural project of contemporary neo-Confucianism
4.1. Historical background
-The May-fourth movement and the breakdown of the legitimacy of Confucianism
-The failure of the first modern state of China
-The Chinese Communist Party came to power
-The non-Communist intellectuals lived in exile
-The continuity of colonialism in Hong Kong
-Example: Tang Junyi (唐君毅)

A missing paragraph
「... ... 於是在接 受西方文化時,常不免只去看西方文化之長,而全然忘了自己,以至鄙賤自己文化精神,而有五四時代以後之非孝非孔、全盤西化之文化改革之論調之產生,及今而有共黨之馬列主義,徹底改造或推翻中國文化之企圖。本 來依中國文化之固有精神,原是相信天下一家,相信道並行而不悖,而對於世界一切學術文化之長,都當虛懷加以學習的。如為了要學習他人之長,一時忘了自己或 看不起過去之文化,亦是可以原諒的。但是如對數千年之文化精神之價值,全不認識,而輕易加以鄙賤,則是對不住古先聖賢與祖宗,亦對不住自己的事。至於馬列主義者之欲徹底改造推翻中國文化,謂他人父,謂他人母,則更不是有良心之中國人之可忍。... ...

4.2. Neo-Confucian understanding of contemporary Hong Kong culture: Cultural fragmentation (花果飄零) and not fully civilized by modern and traditonal Chinese culture

4.3. Enlightenment: education movement from below
Example: New Asia College

4.4. Re-establish an ideal form of national culture overriding, embracing and infiltrating every aspects of life.

4.5. The curriculum of "Chinese Culture": institutionalizing an intellectual project as "cultural apologetics" (文化護教學)
Please read : 「熟讀必合格的文化科筆記」 and 陳雲 2000

Example I:
試選擇下列其中一種食品,說明它能夠反映中國文化特色的理由。(佔全題分數33 1/3%) (1)豆腐(2)湯圓(3)盆菜




Example II:


-A very problematic binary opposition
-The characteristics are about ideal or fact?

5. Critique of the paradigm of "culture and civilization"
5.1. Nostalgic view of tradition
5.2. Failure to understand the complexity of popular and contemporary culture
5.3. Failure to accomodate cultural plurality and democracy: reinstalling the dominance of state and intellectual authority
5.4. The paradigm of "culture and civilization": A major barrier to local development of cultural studies

6. Cultural studies and Paradigm of "culture and civilization"
6.1. Culture in particular contexts vs. Abstract culture
6.2. Cultures vs. culture
6.3. Culture is materialistic vs. Culture is purely intellectual
6.4. Cultures from below vs. Culture from above

Please listen to:


Saturday, September 03, 2005

[Week 2: Sept 9] Introduction I: What is culture? What is cultural analysis?

1. Cultural studies
1.1. Culture is ordinary: everyday life
1.2. Critique of the hierarchy separating high culture from low culture
1.3. Popular culture (普及文化)

2. Quantitative definition of culture: artifacts favoured by many people or ways of life shared by them.
Question I: Who decides the extent of popularity?
Question II: Is "queuing up for rice handouts" a popular culture? Are people's responses to this phenomenon also popular culture?
Example: 平安米

3. High culture and popular culture
Question I: Who is qualified to define cultural taste?
Question II: Is Li Yundi a figure of high culture or popular culture?
Example I: Pavarotti (Storey: p. 7)

4. Mass culture (大眾文化)
-Commercial and formulaic product and passive audience
-brain-numbing effect
-American culture
Question I: If consumers are so passive, why do 80 per cent of new products fail?
Question II: How could we explain people take Disney's products (toy, animation and theme park) as their dreams?

"If it is the crime of popular culture that it has taken our dreams and packaged them and sold them back to us, it is also the achievement of popular culture that it has brought us more and more varied dreams than we could otherwise ever have known." (Storey: p. 9; quoted from Richard Maltby)

5. Political concept of popular culture
-The polyvalence of culture
-Popular culture as a site of struggle and negotiation
-Incorporation and resistance
-Popular culture is what people activley make from it.
Question I: Is audience always active? How could we make sense of audience passivity?
Example: Andy Lau's TV advertisement
-Encoding (編碼): Consumption, tough-ness, being "cool", naturalness
-(Potential) Decoding (解碼): subversion and disorder
-Struggle and negotiation: Warning message and censorship
Further references: 普及文化是霸權的競逐

6. Cultural politics 文化政治
6.1. Culture is not an given object
6.2. What makes cultural studies or cultural analysis distinct is not its subject matter.
6.3. Cultural studies is concerned with the contestation in everyday.
6.4. Ideology and ideological studies (Storey: p. 2)

7. Definition of ideology意識形態

7.1. A body of ideas?
Example: Communism and socialism

7.2. False consciousness: masking, distortion and concealment
-The subordinated class does not see themselves as oppressed or exploited.
Example I: "An untalented woman is virtuous" "女子無才便是德"
Example II: "Homosexuality is harmful to public health." "同性戀危害公共衛生"
Please read:
"性傾向歧視立法對公共衛生的影響" (The Society for Truth and Light)
"回應明光廣告有關公共衛生問題 "

7.3. A world view
-The cultural text presents a particular image of the world or a collective social understanding.
-The dominant worldview represses the alternative ones.
Example: "Social Harmony I & II"
-Questions: Why did CPCE (Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education) promote this world view at this time? What is the relationship between the current political situation andthis world view? Whose world view is it?

7.4. Material practices
-The rituals and customs binding us to the social order
-Power, discipline and institution
Example: classroom
->The setting of classroom
->Education and classroom

7.5. Myth: naturalization
-Sets of beliefs and attitudes which readers are invited to accept as true and natural.
Example: "Coke" is fresh and cool. It relieves your thirst.
可樂可以... ...

8. Culture-cultural politics-ideology
8.1. There is no consensus on the definition of ideology.
8.2. It depends on what problem or question you want to address.
8.3. Political contestation in everyday life

Reading for next week:
*Storey, John. 2001. "The 'Culture and Civilization' Tradition." Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction. NY: Prentice Hall, 17-35. (Focus on the parts of Arnold and Leavis)

Please comment on the F.7 subject of "Chinese Culture".
Please read: 「熟讀必合格的文化科筆記

2005年9月10日 (星期六) 下午二時三十分
灣仔集成中心集成展廊 (軒尼詩道302-308號)
