cULtural ANalySis 2005

Friday, July 22, 2005

Tutorial schedule


0. Briefing (Week 3 or 4)

1. Doing cultural analysis (Week 5 or 6)

Fiske, John. 1995. "Shopping for Pleasure: Malls, Power and Resistance." Reading culture: Contexts for critical reading and writing. Second edition. Edited by Diana George and John Trimbur. NY: Harper Collins, pp. 307-312.
Guterson, David. 1995. "Enclosed, Encyclopedic, Endured. One Week at the Mall of America." Reading culture, pp. 295-306.

Activiity and discussion:
-Why does the Mall of America (or shopping mall in general) interest cultural critics?
-What is the major difference between shopping mall and other marketplaces?
-What are the differences between Fiske's analysis and Guterson's?
-What are the differences between their speaking positions?
-Describe a place that you think represents Hong Kong's way of life. Explain.

Further readings:
Du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh Mackay and Keith Negus. 1997. "Making sense of the Walkman." Doing cultural studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman, London: SAGE, pp.8-40.

2. Ethnography, media and home experience (Week 7 or 8)

Chalfen, Richard. 1998. "Interpreting Family Photography as Pictorial Communication." Image-based Research: A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers. Edited by Jon Prosser. London:Falmer Press, 214-234.

Activity and discussion:
-What is the major purpose of interpreting family photography?
-According to the author, what is "photography"?
-Try to follow the procedures suggested by the article to study your family photos.

Further readings:
Korosec-Serfaty, Perla and Dominique Bolitt. 1986. "Dwelling and the experience of burglary." Journal of Environmental Psychology. 6, 329-344.
畢恒達2004<先生不在家,我才有在家的感覺>、<設計分性別?>《空間就是性別》台北:心靈工坊,84-119; 180-214。

3. Gender/sexual representation and scientific categorization (Week 9 or 10)

Schiebinger, Londa. 1993. "Why mammals are called mammals?" in Nature's body: gender in the making of modern science. Boston: Beacon Press.
中譯:倫達.席賓格(Londa Schiebinger)2005(1993)<「獸」何以稱為「哺乳」動物>《STS讀本II:科技渴望性別》,主編/吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟,台北:學群,19-75。

Activity and discussion:
-What is the importance of this question to our understanding of human, gender and science?
-In what way did the author answer this question?
-There are several kinds of historical material included in this article. How did the author combine them?
-Please generate a research problem and pose a question of cultural studies in the form of "Why Mammals Are Called Mammals? "

Further readings:
Martin, Emily. 1991. "The Egg and the Sperm: How science has constructed a romance based on stereotypical male-female roles." Signs 16: 3, pp.

3. Text, (gender) subjectivities and institution (Week 11 or 12)

Mulvey, Laura. 1975. "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema." Screen 16.3 Autumn, pp. 6-18.
Kaplan, Ann E. 2004(1983). "Is the Gaze Male?" Women's Studies in the Academy: Origins and Impact. Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 257-268.

Activity and discussion:
-What is Mulvey's major concern or objective? How far did she go beyond textual analysis?
-What is the importance of psychoanalysis to her analysis of mainstream movie?
-Try to use Hitchcock's Vertigo to illustrate Mulvey's theory of male gaze. Do you find her analysis insightful? Why?
-Could you use an example from the everyday life to support or refute Mulvey's theory of male gaze?
-Do you agree with Kaplan's criticism of Mulvey? Why?
-Is Mulvey's theory useful for criticizing Hong Kong mainstream movie?

Further readings:
Berger, John. 1972. Way of Seeing. NY: Penguin

4. Institution and women (Week 13 or 14)

Nochlin, Linda. 1988(1971). "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" Women, Art and Power and Other Essays. London: Thames and Hudson.
中譯:琳達.諾克林(Linda Nochlin)2005(1988),<為甚麼沒有偉大的女性藝術家?>《女性,藝術與權力》桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,179-213。

Activity and discussion:
-How did she answer this question? How did Linda Nochlin establish her argument?
-According to her, what characterizes a "great artist"?
-How could a man/woman become a "great artist"?
-Please generate a research problem and pose a question in the form of Nochlin's.

Further reading
The Guerrilla Girls著,謝鴻均譯,2000《游擊女孩床頭版西洋藝術史》台北:遠流。
The Guerrilla Girls

Week 1: Sept 1-3; Week 2: Sept 4-10; Week 3: Sept 11-17
Week 4: Sept 18-24; Week 5: Sept 25-Oct 1; Week 6: Oct 2-8
Week 7: Oct 9-15; Week 8: Oct 16-22; Week 9: Oct 23-29
Week 10: Oct 30-Nov 5; Week 11: Nov 6-Nov 12; Week 12: Nov 13-Nov 19
Week 13: Nov 20-Nov 26; Week 14: Nov 27-Dec 3; Week 15: Dec 4-7